
Oh hey.  I’m Leyla.  This is my blog.
I’m conflicted.  Blogs are a bit narcissistic.  Unless you’re an expert on some subject, posting weekly about the amazing things you can do with Mod Podge or the almost-too-good-looking-to-eat meals you cooked, blogs are just an online story about you.  Or in this case, this blog is about me.
I mean really, who wants to just read about my life?  I guess the answer is… me.  In a year, or five years, or twenty years, I want to look back and remember what we were doing, where we were going, and what we were making.  I’m not a journaler or a scrapbooker but I want to remember.  I’ve stuck to this blog – and enjoyed it more – than I ever kept a journal.
If I meet some new people along the way, awesome.  Meeting people who like what I like and live where I live is cool, even if our only communication is via comment and email.
I’m not an expert, but I do make some pretty fun things and I like to share how I make them.  My husband is a super amazing cook and I’m…well, I’m not, so I pretend like I’m his sous chef.  I’m pretty good at chopping and prepping.  And setting the table.
I write about our life on this blog…about my super cute husband, making our lame apartment a home, exploring Oregon, and making things.
Anyway, that’s me.  Hi.
PS. I work in politics so every once in a while something might get me all excited or drive me up the wall enough that I have to write about it.  I’ll try to avoid it but you never know.  Please accept my apology in advance.  K thanks.